civil war variable
Civil war variable using
civil wars as violent conflicts that
resulted in at least 1,000 battle-related deaths per annum.
CoW defines a militarized incident as “a
single military action involving an explicit threat, display, or use of force
by one system member state towards another system member state.”
one of the primary actors in
any conflict identified as a civil war must be the national government in power
at the time hostilities begin.
the concept of war requires
that both sides have the ability to inflict death upon each other. This rule
enables them to distinguish genuine war situations from massacres, pogroms, and
significant military action
must take place. Only civil wars that resulted in at least 1,000 battle related
deaths per year are included in the data set. This figure includes civilian as
well as military deaths. 民眾傷亡也被計算在內
the war must be internal to the
country. 戰爭一定要發生在國家疆界之內
Singer, J.D. and Small, M. (1994).
Correlates of War Project: International and Civil War Data, 1816-1992,
Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research, Ann Arbor, MI.
2) MID data
MID data
- 1) Search from news archive:
- international conflict in Lexis-Nexis (now Nexis Uni) and Factiva
- 2) They trained a supervised learning classifier to classify news document. This classifier is trained using MID4 project.
- 3) human coders reviewed each of the potentially relevant articles and used them to code militarized interstate incidents (MIIs).
- 4) the MIIs were aggregated into larger militarized interstate disputes (MIDs) using the process established in the MID3 project.
3) Dataset: UCDP/PRIO Armed Conflict
Dataset Codebook Version 21.1
UCDP defines
state-based armed conflict as: “a contested incompatibility that concerns
government and/or territory where the use of armed force between two parties,
of which at least one is the government of a state, results in at least 25
battle-related deaths in a calendar year.”
A state is an internationally recognised
sovereign government controlling a specific territory or an internationally
unrecognised government controlling a specified territory whose sovereignty is
not disputed by another internationally recognized sovereign government
previously controlling the same territory
p.s. The MID war project in COW is the most hideous dataset I have ever seen. To be clear, there is definitely a worse dataset than the MID dataset, yet, this widely used dataset is not presenting a great data-cleaning version shocks me.
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