rent-seeking (原因)-->corruption(貪汙)
rent seeking: "the diversion of economic resources to the private requirements of political decision makers" (Keefer 2007)
這兩個詞之所以常被濫用,是因為rent-seeking theory是一個用來解釋corruption的理論。
Tullock (1975) 便提到,在美國,地方政府可以跟州政府申請補助來維護道路的狀況。那為了能夠要到更多補助款,地方政府有誘因不把道路維護得很好。具體操作方式可能像是選擇比較爛的廠商(或是不精心審查廠商的從業經歷)、比較貴的工程、減少道路維護/檢查人員的數量,透過這些作為,自然地造成需要再多申請一些補助來重新維護道路品質。
Tullock, G. (1975). Competing for aid. Public Choice 21: 41–52
另一個容易搞混的名詞是elite capture,指的是菁英(泛指政治菁英與經濟精英)從公共資源中獲利。通常是藉由職務或是資訊不對稱的優勢使得公共資源、預算的分配較有利菁英。例如外援項目,受援國的地方政府把外援款項分給自己的選區;在競爭公共工程時,廠商高報工程所需費用,最後結果是民眾負擔了更高的稅金卻無法獲得更好的工程。elite capture也會造成貪污、資金挪用的情形。
"Clientelism is characterized by dyadic personal relationships that are asymmetric but reciprocal: the patron delivers desired material benefits to its clients in exchange for services and loyalty to the patron." (Magaloni 2006:66)
"patron-client links are based on inequality, which arises from the fact that the patron is in a position to supply unilaterally goods and services which the potential client and his family need for their survival and well being" (Scott 1972:125)
Keefer, P. (2007). Clientelism, credibility, and the policy choices of young democracies. American journal of political science, 51(4), 804-821.
Magaloni, B. (2006). Voting for autocracy: Hegemonic party survival and its demise in Mexico (Vol. 296). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
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