social protest, social movement and civil war dataset

This is a brief introduction to the social protest/social movement datasets. 


特別關注nonviolent的社會運動。作者認為目前用機器學習來code社會抗爭運動的資料庫常常忽略非暴力運動,所以此資料庫是用human coders。

social movement

human coders

a) NAVCO 1.0

b) NAVCO 2.0

variables:  participation size and diversity, the behavior of regime elites, repression and its effects on the campaign, support (or lack thereof) from external actors, and progress toward the campaign outcomes

unit of analysis: campaign-year

campaign 操作性定義:

b1) >1000

"a contentious event with 1,000 or more participants must be followed within a year by another contentious event with 1,000 or more observed participants claiming the same goals and there must be evidence of coordination across those events."

b2) anti-government goals: 

"goals of regime change, secession, or the removal of a foreign occupier. "

" Actions calling for the irregular removal of a national ruler or the establishment of a new kind of government"

Sample: annual data on 250 nonviolent and violent mass movements for regime change, anti-occupation, and secession from 1945 to 2006

Chenoweth, E., & Lewis, O. A. (2013). Unpacking nonviolent campaigns: Introducing the NAVCO 2.0 dataset. Journal of Peace Research, 50(3), 415-423.

b-2) NAVCO 2.1; unit: campaign-year

ab_int_mat: International audience material backlash denotes whether the regime’s use of repression spurred material backlash among international state actors. 0= no observed backlash 1= state repression results in international material repercussions (e.g. sanctions)


c) NAVCO 3.0

2) The Social, Political, and Economic Event Database Project (SPEED)

Computer searches online news reports.

3) Mass Mobilization in Autocracies Database

keywords: protest, demonstration, rally, campaign, riot, picket

sample: 68 autocracies from 2003 to 2012 

-->the definition of autocracy is based on Geddes, Wright and Frantz(2014)

If the government came to power either

a) by using means other than a direct, reasonably fair competitive election, or

b) through a competitive election but change the rules while in office to prevent future elections from being competitive.

unit of analysis: event reports of protests

sources: local newspaper

geolocated information: precise spatial and temporal (day) coordinates information is provided.

human coders+supervised machine learning to filter news reports

Based on a list of keywords, such as protest, sit-in, marching, and another anti-government movement, human coders classify a bunch of news into "related" and "non-related" news. Then, they use this as a training set for the machine to learn how to classify collected news to reduce the required time of news searching and deleting unrelated news materials. 

Croicu, Mihai and Nils B. Weidmann. 2015. “Improving the Selection of News Reports for Event Coding Using Ensemble Classification.” Research & Politics 2(4).

Geddes, B., Wright, J., & Frantz, E. (2014). Autocratic breakdown and regime transitions: A new data set. Perspectives on politics, 12(2), 313-331.

4) Middle East Mass Movements Database

5) The Social Conflict Analysis Database (SCAD) 

keywords: protests, riots, strikes, inter-communal conflict, government violence against civilians

sample: countries with populations greater than 1,000,000 in 1990 are coded. 

source: searches of Associated Press and Agence France Presse newswires, as compiled by the Lexis-Nexis news service.

Salehyan, Idean, Cullen S. Hendrix, Jesse Hamner, Christina Case, Christopher Linebarger, Emily Stull, and Jennifer Williams. "Social conflict in Africa: A new database." International Interactions 38, no. 4 (2012): 503-511.

6) Mass Mobilization 

Clark, David; Regan, Patrick, 2016, "Mass Mobilization Protest Data",, Harvard Dataverse, V5, UNF:6:F/k8KUqKpCa5UssBbL/gzg== [fileUNF]

7) Cross-National Time-Series Dataset (Arthur S. Banks)

count variables for riots, anti-government demonstrations

unit of analysis: country-year

time: 1815-current

source: New York Times

human coders


a) highly aggregated nature of the data: 1 data point for 1 county in 1 year

b) only rely on one source, which may underestimate the degree of anti-government in other countries than the United States. 

Banks, Arthur S., Wilson, Kenneth A. 2021. Cross-National Time-Series Data Archive. Databanks International. Jerusalem, Israel; see

8) Global Nonviolent Action Database (GNAD) 

George Lakey



9) Minorities At Risk–Organizational Behavior (MAROB) dataset (僅有中東地區的國家)


  • The organization makes explicit claims to represent the interests of one or more ethnic groups and/or the organization's members are primarily members of a specific ethnic minority.
  • The organization is political in its goals and activities.
  • The organization is active at a regional and/or national level.
  • The organization was not created by a government.
  • The organization is active for at least three consecutive years between 1980 and 2004.
  • Umbrella organizations (coalitions/alliances) are NOT coded. Instead, member organizations are coded.

## definition of campaign##

"A ‘campaign’ is a series of observable, continuous, purposive mass tactics or events in pursuit of a political objective. Campaigns are observable, meaning that the tactics used are overt and documented. A campaign is continuous and lasts anywhere from days to years, distinguishing it from one-off events or revolts. Campaigns are also purposive, meaning that they are consciously acting with a specific objective in mind, such as expelling a foreign occupier or overthrowing a domestic regime. Campaigns have discernable leadership and often have organizational and operational names, distinguishing them from random riots or spontaneous mass acts. " (Chenoweth & Lewis 2013).

Chenoweth, E., & Lewis, O. A. (2013). Unpacking nonviolent campaigns: Introducing the NAVCO 2.0 dataset. Journal of Peace Research, 50(3), 415-423.


11) 雇傭兵

Private Security Events Database (因為技術問題而中止蒐集)

"The Private Security Events Database provides information on events related to private military and security companies in Africa, Latin America and Southeast Asia from 1990 to 2012, covering over 1200 events."

12) 社會運動的結果


##Who free ride? ##

Marwell' experiment (1979)設計了一個實驗來檢驗Olson's theory(1965)。表示參與集體行為的人是不理性的,他們有free-ride的動機。Marwell& Ames(1979)讓高中生選擇是否願意捐款給一個基金。只要有人有捐款,這個基金的總額就會雙倍成長,最後,會平均把基金分給所有的學生(不管這個學生是否有捐款)。按照Olson (1965)的講法,不管個人是否捐款,他都會獲利,那大家應該都不捐款。但是實驗結果發現,許多學生還是捐款了,只有經濟學系的學生free-ride。

Marwell, G., & Ames, R. E. (1979). Experiments on the provision of public goods. I. Resources, interest, group size, and the free-rider problem. American Journal of Sociology, 84(6), 1335-1360.


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