
1) phrases

take a toll 造成損失、產生影響
toll 過路費、死傷人數
e.g., If you keep working so hard, the stress will eventually take its toll 產生影響. 

attainment (n) the action or fact of achieving a goal towards which one has worked.
"the attainment of corporate aims"

correlation: a situation in which one fact or event occurs in the same context as another fact or event but is not necessarily linked to or caused by it.

exogenous variables: autonomous factors that come from outside a theoretical model or system and that cannot be explained by the system.

endogenous variables: causal variables that are included in a theoretical model or framework.

sprawling (a) 發展非常快速且非比尋常 to spread or develop irregularly or without restraint
bushes sprawling along the road
sprawling suburbs
a sprawling narrative
ex: This sprawling and impressive book is the product of a project that reaches back over a decade.

exemplify (v) 例證 illustrate or clarify by giving an example.
"he exemplified his point with an anecdote"
Exemplifying the growing trend to cross-over and blur the lines between international and comparative politics, this book crosses levels of analysis by dealing with two-level games as well as investigating the interactions among politics, economics, and the foreign policy making process (all within a
context of democratic theory).

bolster (v) 支持、強化
Education certainly is a primary area for government investment in the current and future welfare of its citizenry. At least some previous research bolsters the view that selection institutions influence education levels rather than causality running the other way around.

downplay 輕描淡寫 make (something) appear less important than it really is.
"this report downplays the seriousness of global warming"
"i will also highlight what he tended to downplay as well as what he ignored completely. "

delve to (v) 仔細研究 to examine or study something carefully; to enter into the examination or study of something.
Manfred Elfstrom delves into the paradox that sees the Chinese Party-State addressing workers’ grievances while coming down increasingly hard on civil society groups and individual activists promoting labour rights.

spearhead (v) lead; to push something forward or lead the charge
Provincial-level governments may distribute billions of yuan to buyers of battery-powered cars in the coming months after southern China’s Guangdong province spearheaded the move last week to support battered automotive companies.

amplify 擴大、放大
Third, claims to legitimacy, be they based on the regime's origin, ruler, performance, procedures or the combination thereof (see below), amplify the authoritarian regime's prospects of successfully creating perceptions of legitimacy – that is, acceptance among the population (Case 1995: 104).

That cooperation and cooptation are conflated is unsurprising given the literature's interest in elite politics.

ally fear =使他人不再擔憂If you allay someone's fears or doubts, you stop them feeling afraid or doubtful.
I include this model to allay fears that such widely used institutional distinctions among authoritarian regimes could better account for variation in agricultural policy than the variables I focus on in my account. 

Upend 顛覆
In earnest with 認真
Concurrent 同時
act of commission 犯罪行為
Commission 1)委員會 2) 犯罪行為
Foreshadow 預兆
be a warning or indication of (a future event).
"other new measures are foreshadowed in the White Paper"
Eschew: 避諱deliberately avoid using; abstain from.
"he appealed to the crowd to eschew violence"
Fidelity 對於一個人、原因或信仰的忠誠(這個忠誠展現在持續的支持與擁戴)
faithfulness to a person, cause, or belief, demonstrated by continuing loyalty and support.
"he sought only the strictest fidelity to justice"

$54.2 = 54 dollars and 20 cents
moderation 適度 the avoidance of excess or extremes, especially in one's behaviour or political opinions. 避免過於極端的政治言論或行為
"he urged them to show moderation"
Another issue that Musk brought up was Twitter’s content moderation policy.

Analogous to 類似的= similar or comparable to something else either in general or in some specific detail
Analogous to telephones or railways, the regime elite tries to infiltrate and penetrate society. Following the famous dictum of Mussolini that the party should be the capillary organization of the regime,70 adding one new regime party office or one security police facility in the country can increase its benefit for the regime beyond the one unit that is invested. 

replete (a) 充滿
The history of humanity is replete with dictators and dictatorships of various stripes and colours.

imperative (a) of vital importance; crucial. 非常重要
"immediate action was imperative"
imperative  (n) an essential or urgent thing. 必要或急迫的事情
"free movement of labour was an economic imperative"
I believe free speech is a societal imperative for a functioning democracy.” asserted Musk. To this aim, he said, “Twitter needs to be transformed as a private company.”

wade (v)涉水、走路
With his statement, Musk has waded deeper into a heated debate over whether Twitter and other social media should limit hateful or extremist posts.

ad hoc 特別為了這個目的所設置或制定的
created or done for a particular purpose as necessary.
"the discussions were on an ad hoc basis"

underlie (v)  be a significant cause or basis of (something) even if not necessarily manifest or obvious.
ex: "the fundamental issue that underlies the conflict"
ex: Bueno de Mesquita et al. argue that the size of the coalition that leaders have to build in order to continue to hold power underlies observed variation between the range of public goods provided by autocracies and democracies. 

They picture incumbent leaders and challengers vying for office and attempting to build winning coalitions through tax and spending packages.

unwavering 堅定的
show his unwavering support for China

embattled country正在打仗的國家
The UK has been a strong ally for the embattled country throughout its conflict with Russia.

is poised to=ready to do something in the immediate future準備好做甚麼事情
Horace Luke, Gogoro’s founder and CEO, said that the company is poised to cash in on the electric transition of nearly a billion two-wheel vehicles.
poised為形容詞,為「作好準備的、準備就緒的」之意,be poised to do something就是準備好做某事的意思,意思等同於be ready to RV。
US President Donald Trump is poised to withdraw from the Paris climate agreement, two senior White House officials said on Wednesday.週三兩位白宮資深官員指出,美國總統川普準備退出巴黎氣候協定。

cash in on... 從~中獲利、靠~賺錢cash是現金的意思,這裡是動詞cash in on sth.表示利用某個機會獲利,或撈進大把鈔票、錢財的意思。
The company attempted to cash in on the chip they developed.這公司想要用他們研發的晶片賺大錢。

plummet (v.)暴跌、急遽下降
The auto industry has seen its sales plummet this year.今年汽車業業績大幅衰退。

However, training for more than an hour a week was not found to decrease the risk further.

bewilderment 困惑
discern 辨別
delve into 鑽研
repent 悔改
to repent for my sin
relic 遺跡、廢墟
abyss 深淵
Vehemently=convincingly=in strong terms 熱切地、強烈地
lament=grieve (v)to express sadness and feeling sorry about something對…感到悲痛,對…表示失望,痛惜
The poem opens by lamenting (over) the death of a young man.

debt default 債務違約
indebted 負債的
China’s most indebted property developer Evergrande has set off panic in global financial markets since this summer as the company tried to stave off a default.今年夏天以來,中國負債最多的房地產開發商恆大設法避免債務違約,引發全球金融市場的恐慌。

deal a blow to~ 打擊
deal這個動詞平時是「交易」或是「處理」的意思,在此為用來帶出a blow。
deal a blow to something就是指打擊某個事物。
This scandal dealt a heavy blow to the candidate’s reputation.這個醜聞重重打擊了該候選人的名聲。

creep up on~ 悄悄逼近
creep這個動詞就是躡手躡腳地走、悄悄地走之意,to slowly and quietly move closer to (someone) without being noticed 
所以creep up on somebody就是指悄悄逼近,或某事不知不覺將要發生在某人身上。
ex: The guy tried to creep up on her, but she heard his footsteps.那人試著悄悄靠近她,但她聽到了他的腳步聲。
ex: We tried to creep up on them but they heard our footsteps. 
這個詞也可以比喻式的(figuratively)使用 : Old age creeps up on us. /The deadline had crept up on them.
ex: A potential default, the first since the Russian Revolution in 1917, was unimaginable until recently, but the eventuality of it has now crept up on Moscow.

deplete (v) 耗盡
Once we found out the funds from the program had been depleted, we repaid the loan so that financial support would be directed to those most in need.我們一發現該計畫的資金已用盡時,就立刻償還貸款,希望最需要幫助的人更夠獲得紓困。

tangible 可見的
prospect 前景
 economic woes=economic dismay
The tangible prospect of further economic woes has forced Russia’s Finance Minister Anton Siluanov to threaten international legal action.

crippling (adj.)嚴重的、造成嚴重傷害的
Western nations agreed to impose crippling sanctions on Russia’s financial sector in retaliation for its invasion of Ukraine, sending Russia’s currency tumbling.西方國家同意對俄羅斯實施強力的金融制裁,以報復其對烏克蘭的侵略,此舉導致俄羅斯幣值重貶。

perilously (adv)in a way that is full of danger or risk. 
ex: "houses perched perilously on craggy outposts"

reprehensible (a) 應受譴責的 =deplorable
deserving censure or condemnation.
"his complacency and reprehensible laxity"

rain upon =to fall on someone or something
tumble down=decrease
Financial sanctions have rained upon Russia’s economy, leaving the ruble to tumble down to unprecedented levels.

reprimand (v) 訓斥=discipline

enact a reform (政府)執行政策改革
unwieldy (a.) 笨重的 (of an object) difficult to move because of its size, shape, or weight.
"huge, unwieldy arc lamps"

aggregate (v) 聚合成一個群體 form or group into a class or cluster.
"socio-occupational groups aggregate men sharing similar kinds of occupation"
ex ante 事情發生之前

abide by (v) 遵守規則 to follow a rule, decision, or instruction. 
roam 漫遊
concur 同意
pecuniary 金錢的
relating to or consisting of money.
"he admitted obtaining a pecuniary advantage by deception"

involution 內卷、退化
evolution 進化

contrition 懺悔
ruminate over 反覆思考
One way to help cope with feelings of regret is to use those experiences to fuel future action. Consider what you might have changed and done differently, but instead of ruminating over what cannot be changed, reframe it as a learning opportunity that will allow you to make better choices in the future. 

inflict (v) 施加傷害在sb
Cause (something unpleasant or painful) to be suffered by someone or something.
"they inflicted serious injuries on three other men"

protracted (a) =prolonged;lasting for a long time or longer than expected or usual.
"a protracted and bitter dispute"

Trevizo's (2011) account of the popular rural movements and their influence on pushing forward Mexico's protracted democratic transition from 1968 to 2000

analogy (n) 類比
analogously (adv) 類比來說
ex: Analogously, scholars have also established a link between one-party regimes and higher economic performance (Keefer 2007, Gandhi 2008, Gehlbach & Keefer 2008, Wright 2008c). Yet the mechanisms underlying this link remain unsettled in the literature. Some suggest that one-party autocracies grow more than do other types of autocracies because they are more stable, which lengthens rulers' time horizons and reduces their incentives to plunder the economy (Olson 1993, Wright 2008c). Finally, the direction of the causal relation between economic growth and one-party rule is unclear. Are development and wealth causes of autocratic parties, which in turn make dictatorships more stable, or are they consequences of one-party rule? At the very least, access to economic resources should not be taken as completely exogenous to regime type, as it is likely to be influenced by the type of institutions dictators establish.

bestows (v) 賜與權力  confer or present (an honour, right, or gift).
ex: "the office was bestowed on him by the monarch of this realm"
When the autocrat bestows too much power on the elites or relies too much on the military, he becomes vulnerable to threats from within his ruling clique and must mobilize the voters to counterbalance these threats. Yet when he bestows too much power on the citizens, he risks electoral defeat, and will need the military to enforce electoral fraud to ensure his survival.

ensure 確保這件事情會發生
make certain that (something) will occur or be the case.
ex: "the client must ensure that accurate records are kept"

orchestrating a revolution =organize, put together; plan or coordinate the elements of (a situation) to produce a desired effect, especially surreptitiously.
"the situation has been orchestrated by a tiny minority"
Soldiers matter for authoritarian stability, but citizens matter as well. Military officers are more likely to defect the regime if they perceive the masses as being capable of orchestrating a revolution, even a peaceful one.

correspondingly 相應的=in a way that is similar to, connected with, or caused by something else.
ex: Life in the city is more expensive, but salaries are correspondingly higher.

undergird (v) secure
ex: The findings that authoritarian regimes with parliaments and elections survive longer and grow faster than other authoritarian states are undergirded by the assumption that such institutions constrain top leaders. 

weed out 淘汰
venal (a) corruptive
ex: Geddes suggests that legislative elections serve the dual roles of signaling the strength of an authoritarian regime through super-majorities and weeding out venal local officials through competition.

It goes without saying 更不用說
It goes without saying that business operations have also been affected.

In this vein= in a similar vein=similarly=likewise
ex: In this vein, Geddes (2005) argues that political parties can deter coups in dictatorships by building mass support for the incumbent regime and increasing the likelihood of widespread post-coup protests.

locus (n.) 特定的地方、地點A particular position, point, or place.
Lack of clarity about the locus of power is a distinguishing feature of authoritarian systems.

constitute 組成
contends that 立論、表示
ex: An active interdisciplinary area in contemporary social science contends that social networks constitute important channels conveying contextual effects on opinions, attitudes, and behaviors.

evocative (a) 喚起的
bringing strong images, memories, or feelings to mind.
ex: "powerfully evocative lyrics"
ex: Although the word repression is highly evocative and widely used in academic circles as well as the diverse public forum, the exact meaning is not always readily apparent. (Danvenport 2007)

wield (v) 行使
ex: The city council was notorious for voting down any measure that would restrict its ability to wield power. 
ex: It is interesting that almost all explanatory variables wield similar influences; this suggests that comparable processes underlie the two coercive strategies (Davenport, 2004). 

prompt (v.) 促使 (of an event or fact) cause or bring about (an action or feeling).

deplore (v.) 痛惜
feel or express strong disapproval of (something).
ex: "we deplore all violence"

domain 版圖
a specified sphere of activity or knowledge.
ex: "the country's isolation in the domain of sport"
ex: the domain of interest

shackle (v.) 用手銬、鐐銬去限制一個人的行動自由
hamper (v.) Hamper means “oppress,” and to hamper is to make things difficult.
* hamper v.s. hinder 這兩個用詞相當類似
To hinder is to push back or slow down so you end up behind. 
To hamper is to make things difficult.
ex: "hampered by circumstances", the circumstances obstruct your progress by entangling you, like chains round your feet 因為你被戴上鐐銬,所以你的進展非常的緩慢
ex: "hindered by circumstances", the circumstances stand in your way like a high wall. 你面臨個一個高牆無法攀越

dampen (v.) 使變濕、make less strong or intense (降低、減少).
ex: "nothing could dampen her enthusiasm" 沒有任何東西可以澆弱她的熱情
ex:  Perhaps unsurprisingly, the new labor laws quickly became a scapegoat for both employers and local officials: they argued that the new laws would hamper labor market flexibility, and thus dampen prospects for an improved economy.

The data and analysis also catalyzed vigorous debate 引起/觸發激烈辯論 within several countries—Indonesia, Laos, and Uganda to name just three—around the performance of big-ticket infrastructure projects that Beijing has funded in those nations. 

navigate the situation了解狀況
To answer this question, Gallagher first helps the reader to navigate the institutional and legislative frameworks of China’s labor law, its dispute arbitration, and resolution systems, and the national campaigns to disseminate legal knowledge. 
vie for (v.) 非常激烈的競爭以獲得或達成某件事情/目標
compete eagerly with someone in order to do or achieve something.
e.g., "the athletes were vying for a place in the British team"

in light of: 有鑑於taking (something) into consideration.
"the exorbitant prices are explainable in light of the facts"
ex: Gallagher argues that this fire alarm mechanism is a cost-efficient way to implement the law in
light of China’s system of decentralized governance. 

augment the legitimacy 提高/補充合法性(increase, supplement)
e.g., It also has the positive effect of augmenting the legitimacy of the central government in the eyes of the working

disen (n) 你本來喜歡一個東西或一個人,但後來感到失望a feeling of disappointment about someone or something you previously respected or admired; disillusionment.
"their growing disenchantment with the leadership"

step/leap/jump into the breach (v.) 僅在最需要幫助的時候提供幫助
to indicate providing help that is badly needed, such as by doing a job when there is no one else available to do it
e.g., He stepped into the breach when the company needed new leadership.
e.g., Why does the Chinese state publicize new labor rights protections, when it knows that these protections are often honored only in the breach? 這些保障僅在最需要的時候才會生效。

conciliation (n) 調解 the action of stopping someone being angry; placation.
"he held his hands up in a gesture of conciliation"
Emboldened (v)
give (someone) the courage or confidence to do something.
"emboldened by the claret, he pressed his knee against hers"
Emboldened by labor shortages, workers filed more formal claims. As they became frustrated by the system, they also organized more protests and strikes. On the other hand, the state, obsessed with maintaining social stability, responded to rising protests with both harmonious carrots like mediation and conciliation and the hard stick of repression, all outside the realm of the law. A vicious cycle of legislation, mobilization, and state intervention set in, thwarting the institutionalization of the rule of law. 

arbitrarily (adv) 武斷地、任意地

shrewd (a.) 精明的
ex: But if the Chinese central state was so shrewd as to encourage and sanction workers’ legal mobilization in order to exploit social cleavages and deflect popular discontent toward the middle of the power structure—local officials and the firms— why was it not able to foresee or extract itself from the consequences of a more rights conscious and restive citizenry?

impetus (n) 促進 something that makes a process or activity happen or happen more quickly.

deflect (v.) 偏轉=divert
exploit (v.) 利用、剝削

mount a challenge to 
ex:  If you mount a campaign or event, you organize it and make it take place.
In particular, the group that maintains the autocrat in power, which can also credibly mount a challenge to her rule, has become central to “selectorate” theories of political survival (Bueno de Mesquita 2003). 

premise (n.)(v.) 假設
ex: Consistent with a set of economic policies premised on the creation of monopolies, we expect to see the establishment of “restrictive” social policies, characterized by narrow coverage and generous benefits. 

impute (v.) 宣稱
imputation (n) a charge or claim that someone has done something undesirable; an accusation.
ex: "there are grounds for inquiring into the imputations of misconduct against him"
"Instead, she offers, at most (=at best), interpretations and imputations of these phenomena."

gargantuan (a) enormous

ex: But when the strategic interaction of dictators and the organized groups that launch them produces dictatorial strategies of terror or co-optation, the additional steps necessary to create democratic institutions are gargantuan.

juxtapose (v) 並列 place or deal with close together for contrasting effect.
ex: "black-and-white photos of slums were starkly juxtaposed with colour images"
ex: It appears that you are juxtaposing political threats from the public and the elites, but elites appear to be following cues from the public.

ascriptive (a) is a group in which status is based on a factor other than achievement. A group that only has members of a certain race or sex is an example of an ascriptive group.

protracted 已經持續一段時間(持續的時間超出原本預期)lasting for a long time or longer than expected or usual. 
ex: "a protracted and bitter dispute"
ex: Our findings suggest that four such factors are particularly powerful explanations of revolutionary mass uprisings—and a combination of those factors will go a long way in predicting revolutionary change: a history of protracted low-level popular contention; the presence of personalist regimes; long tenure of incumbents in office; and the showroom effect of uprisings in the temporal and spatial vicinity of states.

warrant (v.) 使其必要 =it is necessary to have...
A short paragraph on the mechanism is warranted here.
Obviously what she did was wrong, but I don't think it warranted such a severe punishment.
It's a relatively simple task that really doesn't warrant a great deal of time being spent on it.

vicinity (n.) 鄰近 the area near or surrounding a particular place.
ex: "the number of people living in the immediate vicinity was small"

efficacious 有效的
ex: Political parties are most efficacious instruments for autocrats to govern modernizing societies.

reverberation 回響prolongation of a sound; resonance. "electronic effects have been added, such as echo and reverberation"
ex: we see that economic development is a deeply political process with profound political reverberations. 

from the outset=from the beginning

coalesce into: For two or more separate thing to merge or form into one thing.
ex: Small-scale incidents of rural unrest can coalesce into broad movements, and new organizational forms can arise to threaten the state, as was the case in Mexico during the 1960s. 

as such != therefore
as such 綜前所述,因此我認為.... as such強調的是綜前所述,有意涵"因此"的意思,但是要避免誤用。

vexing 煩人的、惱人的
ex: However, the (mis-)management of the development process, and agriculture’s role within that process, is not only a vexing aspect of everyday authoritarian governance but is at the core of what James C. Scott calls the “huge development fiascoes” and “great human tragedies of the twentieth century” (Seeing Like a State, 1995, p. 3).

untenable 站不住腳的
(especially of a position or view) not able to be maintained or defended against attack or objection.
"this argument is clearly untenable"

a slate of candidates: 指稱一列候選人的提名名單 

slate (n.) 石板、書面紀錄 

a slate of並不等於一組,通常只用來a slate of candidates或是a slate of nominees a mixture of sth (混合) 

e.g. "Despite more than a 100-year effort to professionalize its diplomatic ranks, the United States continues to appoint a mixture of career diplomats and political appointees to serve as its envoys abroad." (Monkey Cage, 2021)

A slew of sth. = a large amount of sth.

àdefinition: A very large number or amount of something; a lot of something

 e.g.“Many Democratic lawmakers and a slew of liberal activists are hoping that Tuesday’s vote sparks a new push to eliminate the rule, allowing legislation to pass with a simple 51-vote majority.”(DeBonis, 2021/6/23, The Washington Post)

Speak with exasperation 激動的表示

take your chances 後果自負

stand in the way of 阻撓某件事情的推進

e.g. “Some Democrats responded to Sinema with exasperation, questioning the logic of letting a congressional rule — not a constitutional provision or a federal law — stand in the way of a federal response to the GOP voting bills.”(DeBonis, 2021/6/23, The Washington Post)

Grapple with 盡力解決;設法對付;盡量克服。

Definition: to try to deal with or understand a difficult problem or subject.

e.g. Today, many Americans are still grappling with the issue of race.

e.g.  “Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has threatened to arrest anyone who refuses to be vaccinated against the coronavirus, as the country grapples with both vaccine hesitancy and a lack of supplies.” (Cabato, 2021/6/22, The Washington Post).

made significant strides in 有長足的進展;stride 大步

ex: In the decade immediately after independence, the public sector in Africa made significant strides in promoting infrastructural development.

lay the basis for 為....建立基礎

e.g. A principal line of Kenya’s strategy was to develop transport and other infrastructure so as to draw the entire nation into the market economy and to lay the basis for rapid industrial growth.

Sequester (v.) isolate or hide away.

sequester you in jail = arrest you

e.g.   “Duterte said late Monday. “To protect the people, I have to sequester you in jail.”(Cabato, 2021/6/22, The Washington Post).

Plummet (v.)= drop very quickly : fall or drop straight down at high speed.

Frenzy (n.): a state or period of uncontrolled excitement or wild behavior.

e.g. "Doreen worked herself into a frenzy of rage"

e.g. “A media frenzy and political blame the game followed, and vaccine rates plummeted, subsequently leading to measles and polio outbreaks.” (Cabato, 2021/6/22, The Washington Post).

Be slated to= be expected to happen in a near future or at a particular time

e.g. " Senators are slated to meet with Biden today to discuss details of the plan. "

a grain of salt=with doubts

e.g. I would take it with a grain of salt.

circle the/your wagons=  prepare for an attack; to join together in order to protect yourselves against attack, criticism, or danger:

e.g. Most corporations' response is to circle the wagons when there is trouble.

under the auspices of= with the help, support, or protection of.

“This reference to northern Laos is important as it points towards Power China's 1272 megawatt (MW) $2.7 billion Nam Ou River Cascade, constructed by Sinohydro, and financed by the China Development Bank under the auspices of the BRI. ” (Barney, 2021)

alienated opponents 異議者

vested members  既得利益者

bid (v.)

1) 投標offer (a certain price) for something, especially at an auction.

2) make an effort or attempt to achieve. 努力達成 ex: "she's now bidding to become a top female model", "I am now bidding to become a professor in the political science department."

To “bid farewell” is to say goodbye to something or someone, either forever or for a long time.

e.x. "For decades, social scientists have been bidding farewell to the peasantry, but across the globe the persistence of the small-scale farm remains the norm. "

layer on 分層排列

to arrange something in layers

e.x. "Each chapter layers on increasing degrees of complexity."

quibble with 輕微反對

ex: If one may quibble with Thomson’s case studies (如果真的要雞蛋裡挑骨頭的話) it is not because they are overstylized, but that they are too complex.

small beer: something of small importance 並不是很重要 (或是可以真的指低酒精濃度usually between 0.5% and 2.8%的啤酒)

ex: Again, this is small beer; the richness of the cases will certainly help others develop their own hypotheses regarding agricultural policy and authoritarianism.

bundle with 與某些事情綑綁在一起

bundle (v.) tie or roll up (a number of things) together as though into a parcel. ex: "she quickly bundled up her clothes"

e.x.: "Others may disagree with the zero-sum nature of agricultural policy, noting that even in urban-biased countries, agricultural policies are often bundled with a host of other welfare programs to farmers, such as China’s New Socialist Countryside Campaign or Venezuela’s Return to the Countryside policy."

stymie=prevent=stave off=avert

ex: Under these conditions, Food and Power would suggest the decreasing capacity of agricultural policy to stymie unrest (p. 211). 

strife =conflict

stave off strife 避開爭端

2) reading news

“Senate Republicans banded together Tuesday to block a sweeping Democratic bill that would revamp the architecture of American democracy, dealing a grave blow to efforts to federally override dozens of GOP-passed state voting laws”(DeBonis, 2021/6/23, The Washington Post)

 Band together= gather together

A sweeping bill= a comprehensive bill

Revamp= renovate

Revamp (v.) give new and improved form, structure, or appearance to.

ex: "an attempt to revamp the museum's image"

3) fancy words

ex: .....reveal similar discrepancies

delimit....from: define the limit of

writ large: 
a. clear and obvious.
"the unspoken question was writ large upon Rose's face"
b. in a stark or exaggerated form.
"bribing people by way of tax allowances is the paternalistic state writ large"

move round the side of (an enemy) so as to outmanoeuvre them.
"the Germans had sought to outflank them from the north-east"
"an attempt to outflank the opposition"
"Some analysts see the summit as a Japanese attempt to outflank China in the region."

4) abbreviation

e.g.,=for example, 引入更多例子來解釋前一句
i.e., = in other words, 換句話說,為了使得前面那一句表達得更清楚
e.g.: I am a Buddism vegetarian, i.e. I do not eat meat and garlic.
ex. 練習(ex.並不是for example,而是指練習題目、功課等)
e.g. Let's see ex.4 for the solution.
c.f. 通常是相反的言論

5) similar meanings with a subtle difference

a) time-related
stint: a period of work.
spell: a short period of time.
span: the length of time for which something lasts

Barney, K., & Souksakoun, K. (2021). Credit crunch: Chinese infrastructure lending and Lao sovereign debt. Asia & The Pacific Policy Studies, 8(1), 94-113.


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