Definitions regarding Comparative Authoritarianism studies



Launching organization: “the political organization that controls access to political office and the main power position.” (Magaloni, 2008, p. 731)

Military regime: “the armed forces control access to the principal positions of power, including the junta.” (Magaloni, 2008, p. 731)

Preference falsification: “the act of misrepresenting one’s preferences under perceived social pressures. (Kuran 1995, p.1528)

Political regime: “the broad institutional framework within which decisions concerning the production and allocation of public resources are made.” 

Coalitions: “it is built to maximize the prospect of winning and retaining office.” (Bueno de Mesquita et al. 2005, p.13)


Bueno De Mesquita, B., A. Smith, J. D. Morrow, and R. M. Siverson. 2005. The logic of political survival. MIT press.

Cheibub, J. A. (1998). Political Regimes and the Extractive Capacity of Governments: Taxation in Democracies and Dictatorships. World Politics, 50(3), 349-376. doi:10.1017/S0043887100012843

Kuran, T. (1989). Sparks and Prairie Fires: A Theory of Unanticipated Political Revolution. Public Choice, 61(1), 41-74. Retrieved June 3, 2021, from

Magaloni, B. (2008). Credible Power-Sharing and the Longevity of Authoritarian Rule. Comparative Political Studies, 41(4-5), 715-741. doi:10.1177/0010414007313124



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