Geddes, B., Wright, J., & Frantz, E. (2014)
An autocratic regime is dened as a set of formal and/or informal rules for choosing leaders
and policies; there can be multiple regimes within an autocratic spell.
An autocratic spell is the consecutive calendar years in which some autocratic regime ruled the country;
autocratic spell may be interrupted by years in which a democracy, foreign occupier, or
failed state controlled the majority of the territory.
*Spell, duration, term
Term: (unit of analysis: leader)法規有規定的任期。例如中華民國的總統一任是4年
Spell: (unit of analysis: polity)威權政權連續掌權的時間。
Cuba 59-NA: 表示這個政權從1959年開始執政至今
Haiti 41-46: 表示這個政權從1941執政到1946
“An autocratic spell refers to the consecutive calendar years a country is ruled by some form of dictatorship.”(Geddes, Wright, & Frantz, 2014)
Duration: (unit of analysis: leader) 領導人在職的時間(時到今日執政幾年了)。例如議會民主制國家,首相可能做不滿任期,中途因為不信任案而下台,造成duration比term短的情形
Gandhi (2004) 1946-2002, unit: country-year
"regimes in which the rulers acquire power by means other than competitive elections" (p. 7)
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